Snowflake Native Application
On-Demand Climate Risk and Resilience Analytics
AlphaGeo's Snowflake Native Application is designed to provide in-depth predictive analytics for your investment portfolio. This application delivers advanced insights into climate risk and resilience for any coordinate worldwide, analyzed at various resolutions such as addresses, census tracts, postal codes, counties, MSAs/CBSA, and provinces. With our tool, you can access location-specific climate risk scores, adaptation metrics, and overall resilience profiles to support both defensive ESG assessments and offensive investment strategies targeting resilient geographies.
Key Features
Flexible Location Input: Accepts any location entry or a table of real estate assets directly from your Snowflake database.
Comprehensive Climate Risk Scores: Computes risk scores covering overall risk and specific risks (e.g., heat, inland flooding, coastal flooding, wind, drought, and fire). Analyses span four time periods up to 2100 and include three climate scenario pathways.
Adaptation Metrics: Offers granular location-specific adaptation scores for each risk factor, guiding targeted remediation measures.
Resilience Profiles: Generates overall resilience profiles to rank and prioritize locations based on future performance expectations.
Enhanced Database Output: Outputs an enriched table with detailed analytics directly into your Snowflake database.
Automatic Geocoding: Utilizes the Mapbox Geocoding API to populate missing geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude).
Input Table Requirements
The input table in your Snowflake database must include the following columns:
identifier (STRING, optional): Internal identifier of the asset. Example:
.address (STRING, required): Street address of the asset. Example:
4510 Main St
.address_second_line (STRING, optional): Additional address details. Example:
Suite 500
.latitude (FLOAT, optional): Latitude of the asset. Example:
.longitude (FLOAT, optional): Longitude of the asset. Example:
.zip_code (STRING, required): ZIP or postal code of the asset. Example:
.city (STRING, required): City where the asset is located. Example:
.state (STRING, required): State or province of the asset. Example:
.country (STRING, required): Country where the asset is located. Example:
Output Table Description
The application generates an output table in your Snowflake database with the following structure:
identifier: Original identifier of the asset.
address: Street address of the asset.
address_second_line: Additional address details.
city: City where the asset is located.
zip_code: ZIP or postal code of the asset.
state: State or province of the asset.
country: Country where the asset is located.
latitude: Latitude of the asset.
longitude: Longitude of the asset.
Climate Risk Metrics
scenario: CMIP6 Emission Scenarios identifier (SSP245, SSP370, SSP585).
period: Time periods identifier (2025, 2035, 2050, 2100).
overall_risk_score: Overall climate risk score (0-100, higher scores indicate greater risk).
overall_raj_score: Overall resilience-adjusted risk score (0-100, higher scores indicate greater risk).
mean_risk_score: Mean climate risk score across all indicators.
mean_raj_score: Mean resilience-adjusted risk score across all indicators.
Specific Risk and Resilience Metrics
For each risk factor (heat, inland flooding, coastal flooding, wind, drought, fire):
[factor]_score: Risk score (0-100, higher scores indicate greater risk).
[factor]_raj_score: Resilience-adjusted risk score (0-100).
Additional Outputs
result_precision: Precision of results based on geocoding accuracy.
feedback: Explanation of result precision.
data_validation: Indicates validation errors in the provided data.
data_version: AlphaGeo data version.
created_at: Timestamp of record creation.
Matching Levels and Feedback
The result_precision
column represents the level of granularity. Below are the possible matching levels and their corresponding feedback:
Exact Match (address
)The input address matched exactly with the provided coordinates and database entry.
Point of Interest Match (poi
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the nearest point of interest.
Neighborhood Match (neighborhood
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the nearest neighborhood.
Locality Match (locality
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the nearest locality.
City Match (place
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the nearest city.
District Match (district
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the nearest district or region.
Region Match (region
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the nearest region.
Postcode Match (postcode
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the nearest postcode.
Country Match (country
)The input address did not match exactly; results are based on the country-level data.
If the feature_type
is unknown or unsupported, the matching level is set to unmatched, and the feedback indicates that the input address could not be matched with any geographic entity in the database.
Installation and Usage
Watch our YouTube video for a step-by-step guide on installing and using the application.
How It Works
Data Input: Input your location data table into your Snowflake database. Ensure the required columns are included.
Analysis: The app processes the input data, calculates various risk and resilience scores, and generates adaptation metrics for each location.
Output Table: The enriched output table is generated in your Snowflake database, providing actionable insights for decision-making.
For any issues or questions during installation or usage, please contact our support team at For more information on our data, please visit
For more information about AlphaGeo, please visit the official website
Last updated