Alpha Finder
Alpha Finder offers confident location targeting and portfolio construction by screening dozens of indexed datasets to identify locations correlating to clients' investment criteria and mandates.
Alpha Finder is an automated indexation tool filtering 50+ indicators and proprietary indices across 6 categories (Climate, Resilience, Demographic, Economic, Real Estate, Socioeconomic), allowing clients to identify and rank locations according to investment criteria and mandates and generate real time maps or construct hypothetical portfolios.
Select datasets across Climate, Resilience, Demographic, Economic, Real Estate, and/or Socioeconomic indices for the USA or Canada. Once ready, hit "Find Alpha" to generate your results.
You will be directed to a map of the top 20 counties, ranked by their average across all previously selected benchmarks. Hovering over a county pin will reveal the top ranked zip codes in that county.
"Hiding" a feature will refresh your Top Performing Locations ranking. Click the "eye" next to each feature to utilize this.
Your results will default to "Top 20 Counties," but this can be adjust to any of the following:
Selecting a location from the Top Performing Locations ranking will direct you to Location Explorer to view its risk and resilience analytics.
Last updated